
Welcome! Like the book of the same name, this blog is an eclectic collection of Sherlockian scribblings based on more than a half-century of reading Sherlock Holmes. Please add your own thoughts. You can also follow me on Twitter @DanAndriacco and on my Facebook fan page at Dan Andriacco Mysteries. You might also be interested in my Amazon Author Page. My books are also available at Barnes & Noble and in all main electronic formats including Kindle, Nook, Kobo and iBooks for the iPad.

Dan's Books

The Sebastian McCabe & Jeff Cody Series

The Woman in Red (MX Publishing 2023)
The English Garden Murder (MX Publishing, 2022) 
No Ghosts Need Apply (MX Publishing, 2021)
Murderers' Row (MX Publishing, 2020)
Too Many Clues (MX Publishing, 2019)
Death Masque (MX Publishing, 2018)
Queen City Corpse (MX Publishing, 2017)
Erin Go Bloody (MX Publishing, 2016)
Bookmarked for Murder (MX Publishing, 2015)
Rogues Gallery (MX Publishing, 2014)
The Disappearance of Mr. James Phillimore (MX Publishing, 2013)
"The Adventure of the Vatican Cameos" (MX Publishing, E-Story, 2013)
The 1895 Murder (MX Publishing, 2012)
Holmes Sweet Holmes (MX Publishing, 2012)
No Police Like Holmes (MX Publishing, 2011)

The Enoch Hale Series (with Kieran McMullen)

The Egyptian Curse (MX Publishing, 2015)
The Poisoned Penman (MX Publishing, 2014)
The Amateur Executioner (MX Publishing, 2013)

School for Sleuths (Francis Aloysius Finn & Hilary Kendrake)

School for Sleuths (Wildside Press,2018)
The Medium is the Murder (Belanger Books, 2021)

Sherlock Holmes Pastiches

The Sword of Death (Wessex Press/ Gasogene Boooks, 2022)
House of the Doomed (Wessex Press/ Gasogene Books, 2018)
"The Adventure of the Magic Umbrella" (MX Publishing, E-Story, 2013)
"The Peculiar Persecution of John Vincent Harden" (MX Publishing, E-Story, 2012)
Baker Street Beat: An Eclectic Collection of Sherlockian Scribblings (MX Publishing, 2011)

Edited by Dan Andriacco

Sherlock Holmes: A Three-Pipe Christmas (Belanger Books, 2020)
The Essential Sherlock Holmes, Volume One (Belanger Books, 2021)

Dan's Sherlockian scholarship and short stories also have appeared in the following publications:

Sherlock Holmes Review
Prescott's Press
The Watsonian
Sherlock Holmes Mystery Magazine
The Sherlock Holmes Journal 
The Baker Street Journal
About 60
Black Cat Mystery Magazine
Seventy Years by Gaslight
Canadian Holmes
Sherlock Holmes and the Great Detectives  

For descriptions, reviews, and front covers, see the right side of the blog. Don't miss Matt Laffey's wonderful Goodreads review of The 1895 Murder and Ross K's video reviews of all the books on You Tube.